Album Status
The table directly below shows clients who are in the queue waiting for their album to be designed or edited.
Every time an album is actioned you will receive an automated email notifying you have moved one place up in the queue. Please bear with me until your name reaches the top position, once it does, your album will be actioned based on the following status:
Design Confirmed
Album images need to be edited, colour corrected & prepared for print.
Selections Received
Album is to be designed

table loading...
Name NOT in the top Queue?
More than likely your action is required, one of the following is delaying your album being processed
Awaiting selections
I am waiting for clients to select their images to design their album. Clients are urged to log into their album selection gallery, choose and submit their image selections.
​A client's album has been designed commented on if any changes are required or approved if they are happy with the current design.
​Waiting on the client to confirm the edit by signing confirmation document sent by email to place it into production.
Ready to collect​
Please get in touch to arrange a suitable date & time to collect your album​
Sent to production​
Albums are currently being produced or in transit from New Zealand​
NOTE: By default the table is sorted by the status date, you can use the search function in the header to look for your name or event date.